At our 8:00 service you’ll find a beautiful, traditional service we call Rite I filled with ancient language. This is a somber, spoken service with no music.
10:00 is a festival choral service complete with bells, banners, choir, organ, and plenty of singing. This service finds its roots in ancient liturgy but with more contemporary language we call Rite II.
We use the Book of Common Prayer, a staple of The Episcopal Tradition, at both services, and The Hymnal 1982 at 10:30. You’ll also find a coffee hour after each service with coffee, juice, and some tasty treats. We encourage you to come worship with us, and stay after the service so we may get to know and welcome you. Your presence with us on Sunday morning would be a blessing.

Want to Learn More?
Want to know more about St. Peter & All Saints? Come worship with us at one of our services or email the clergy (rector@stpaas.org) for more information.